Giffnock homes targeted by vandals

Vandals trageted an expensive set of patio doorsVandals trageted an expensive set of patio doors
Vandals trageted an expensive set of patio doors
Police say they have stepped up patrols in Giffnock following a string of weekend attacks on properties facing Braidbar Quarry.

Officers were alerted to a number of smashed doors and windows on homes in Braidpark Drive and Brisbane Court.

All of the houses can be seen from Braidbar Quarry, which has become a magnet for raucous weekend drinking parties among youths.

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Police say they do not know whether small stones or an air rifle were used to break the panes of glass.

One local who did not wish to be named said:”All the damage was caused over one weekend, when Braidbar Quarry becomes a party pad for neds.

“The council is going to have to do something with that area.

“I know it’s fenced off but they will always find a way through.

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“Nobody here wants houses built there but the council will have to be a bit more pro-active at finding a solution.

“A lot of elderly people live around here and they’re worried about what might happen next.

“We’re used to seeing bottles smashed on Braidpark Road after a weekend but this is the first time homes have been targeted in this way.”

One of the attacks took out a window but two more smashed an expensive set of patio doors. Pictures showed splinters coming from a tiny hole in the glass.

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Another resident believes he had a close escape, having recently discovered a chip in his living room window.

He said: “My windows are triple-glazed and armour-plated, which is probably why the outer pane didn’t break.

“I found it suspicious, this little chip out of the glass. It makes sense now and it has probably been an air rifle or BB gun that has caused the damage.”

This is only the latest example of wanton vandalism in the area. Residents of adjoining May Terrace woke one morning to find their cars had been badly damaged by youths walking from Giffnock Station.

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Door mirrors had been ripped off and wiper blades twisted by the vandals.

Police Scotland said extra patrols have been ordered in the surrounding area, just yards away from Giffnock Police Station.

A spokesman said:”We can confirm we have received two reports of windows having been smashed in the Braidpark Drive and Brisbane Court areas of Giffnock. We have additional police patrols in the area and inquiring are ongoing into the damage.

“Anyone with information should contact Police by calling 101.”